We have a new local pet supply store. It is not terribly convenient for us but we needed some doggie toothpaste and decided to stop in and see what they had.
It's a nice store, although it is small, and we will patronize them. A bin of deer antlers was near the checkout counter. We had never purchased antlers and the store clerk assured us that our dogs would love them. We looked at them. They were pricey. But since we don't indulge the dogs all that often, and since it was a new store, and since the girls had been cooped up because of the rain, we decided to give them a try.
The girls had just come inside and we towel-dried them so they are still damp, fluffy, and curly.
We put the antlers on the floor so each dog could choose one.

Lucy takes her antler to one of the beds.
"I'm checking this out. I think I really like it."That's good, Lucy.
Ellie takes her antler to the other bed.
"I think this is going to be good, but I have to lick it all over first."
"Mom! I look just like a mammoth who lost a tusk!"Yes, that's exactly what you look like.
There follows a process that repeats itself every time the girls get dried bones or new toys. Lucy abandons hers and goes over to check out the one Ellie has.
"I'm afraid Ellie has the best one. I'm sorry, but I have to take it away from her."Lucy, that is not true. One of these days you are going to try that and Ellie is going to snap at you.
Lucy takes the antler from Ellie who looks bewildered as always but gives no quarrel or resistance at all.
"I'll just take this one over and give it a try."Lucy, that is not a nice thing to do."Well, I figure anything is all right if you can get away with it."Poor Ellie is much like Charlie Brown who is always surprised that Lucy once again removed the football. No matter how many times it occurs she can't believe it.
"Dad, did you see that?"
Yes, Ellie. But we've talked about this before. You are the one who has to keep this from happening. We won't get involved and you'll have to work it out.
"Oh, well. I think this one might be better anyway. I do hate to make a fuss."

This is the last weekend of September. We've past the equinox and are heading into fall. The sun has been shining for two days now, but more rain is predicted for this weekend. We have been assured it will be light rain and we hope that is true. While we are safe, with only minor inconveniences from some still-closed roads, we know there are areas in Georgia where the citizens are still without safe drinking water. Our thoughts are with those who are cleaning out the muck and trying to return to their homes.